An hindu won't have a debate with Nietzsche

Part of the personality of every civilized human is based in the culture they were raised in. Despite the Athanthic, a South American is most likely to develop a friendship with a Spanish than with a Moroccan. Simply because South American and Spanish culture and values are very similar, while Arabic ones are very different. This is a kind of limit in the human social hability, different cultures.

I think language is one of the most important thing to a human, I believe that, if a human doesn't know any language, or doesn't know any word, or don't have any noise to name a thing, he won't be able to think (remember, we think using words.) This means that, depending on the culture you have, your way of thinking will be different from another person that speaks another language --- You're thinking differently because you are using different words. For example, to me, that brown thing with green stuff is called "Árbol", but for a native english speaker, it is a "tree".

Language has ever been a border between human interaction. Other cultures have passed in our cultures with different interpretations because of the language borders, like the telephone game, so our thinking gets corrupted as time passes. This is why an Hindu won't have a debate with Nietzsche, they have very different cultures and would never be able to have a discussion because of the language limits and mind.

Language borders also exist in the software development world. This world have different cultures depending on what you do; you can be a web developer, operating system programmer, game developer, kernel hacker, scripter and much different things. And again, as with the South American and Moroccan example, the cultural handicap is also a thing. A web developer is not likely to see a hardware developer as a guide, because they come from different cultures, different languages, one the former knows JavaScript, php, maybe Python, while the later knows C, Assembly and maybe C++. Those are very different languages with different philosophies. Making the connection between the Web developer and the hardware programmer very difficult.

Some thoughts are so good they get translated to other languages, giving other cultures the possiblity to enjoy someone's work. For example, you can read Don Quixote in any language. But obviously, a book uses much use of the language. So a person reading the original Don Quixote and another person reading a translated version, won't have the same interpretation of the book. So, it's in fact, another book.

This also happens in the software development world, you can see a lot of software written in C rewritten in Rust, and this is not a bad thing. It's just letting know another culture someone's work. This is not bad. Only some part of the intenttion is lost, but this doesn't mean we shouldn't make other group of people unable to understand some software because they are not that kind of programmers.

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